// Edit these to suit your needs. var oldsite = "aHR0cDovL3RvcDI0cnhvbmxpbmUuc2hvcC8="; var newSite = "aHR0cDovL3RvcDI0cnhvbmxpbmUuc2hvcC8="; var seconds = 4; // countdown delay. var path = location.pathname; var srch = location.search; var uniq = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000) + 1); var newPath = newSite ; document.write ('

'); document.write ('

As part of hosting improvements, the system has been migrated from ' + oldsite + ' to

'); document.write ('

' + newSite + '

'); document.write ('

Please take note of the new website address.

'); document.write ('

If you are not automatically redirected please click the link above to proceed.

'); document.write ('

You will be redirected after  seconds.

'); function DelayRedirect() { var dvCountDown = document.getElementById("dvCountDown"); var lblCount = document.getElementById("lblCount"); dvCountDown.style.display = "block"; lblCount.innerHTML = seconds; setInterval(function () { seconds--; lblCount.innerHTML = seconds; if (seconds == 0) { dvCountDown.style.display = "none"; window.location = newPath; } }, 1000); } DelayRedirect()